Tuesday, 19 February 2019

Open access veterinary science journals-Lupine Publishers

This present study was carried out to assess the prevalence of brucellosis and blue tongue in a trans humane sheep flock of Tamil Nadu, India. This Sheep flock had a history of inconsistent abortion, repeat breeder, poor fertility rate and higher prevalence of still birth. Serum samples were collected from sheep by random sampling. Serum samples were subjected to Rose Bengal Plate agglutination test (RBT) and ELISA. The risk factors like pregnancy, abortion, age and sex were correlated to the Brucella seropositivity. This study also assessed for the presence of Bluetongue in aborted sheep. It was found that ELISA could be the choice of test for testing of Brucellosis (with the percentage of 57.14). Clinically healthy rams were found to be with brucellosis seropositivity and posed infertility to ewes. It was observed that in trans humane flocks. Brucellosis and Blue tongue has a confounding phenomenon for ovine abortions.


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For more open access veterinary science journals Please Click Here: https://lupinepublishers.com/dairy-veterinary-science-journal/

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