Thursday 1 December 2022

Prevention of Negative Impact of Pesticides and Other Toxic Substances on Reproductive Function of Animals


In acutely facing the problem of remote consequences of influence on an organism of chemical substances, impact on reproductive function is important. In recent years, in farms and private farms specializing in the cultivation of cattle and small cattle, as well as rabbits, there are violations of reproductive function, manifested in infertility and spontaneous abortions, pre - and postimplantation developmental delay, physiological and behavioral changes in the offspring, malformations and transplacental effects, and often their etiology remains unclear.


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Ultrasonic Debridement with Stem Cell Therapy of Suspensory Branch Desmitis in an Equine Patient

Abstract Ultrasonic debridement as a treatment for tendinopathy and desmitis is a relatively new approach in orthopedic surgery. Previousl...